Over time your garage door may need to be repaired due to damage or wear and tear. There are five key signs to look out for indicating you will need a Fresno, CA garage door repair.

Some repairs are simple while others can be costly and time-consuming. Keeping up with regular maintenance can help to extend the life of your garage door but it will not replace having to get a repair when something breaks.

1. The Door Works When it Wants

One big sign that a repair is imminent is if the door opens and closes when it wants to. This may mean that the wiring may be broken or incorrect.

You cannot fix this issue on your own and there is no way to troubleshoot the problem. You will need a Fresno, CA garage door repair.

When a garage door does not work properly it can become a safety hazard. Not only can it cause harm to your vehicles and belongings inside your home but also to anyone who is in or around the garage door.

2. The Door Opens and Then Reverses

Garage doors have sensors to prevent them from closing onto a person or object. When there is something detected by the photo safety eyes the garage door will then begin to reverse.

The problem arises when this is happening and there is nothing near the sensors. This is a clear sign that a Fresno, CA garage door repair is necessary.

3. The Garage Door Will not Open or Close

When a garage door is reaching the end of its life it may begin to not open or close when prompted to. You should first check to make sure that this is not an issue with the garage door opener or remote.
The garage door may need to be plugged in or a battery change is required. If you have checked both of these potential problem areas and the door still does not open and close, you will need a Fresno, CA garage door repair.

4. It is Making Noises

When things start making noises when they should not be, there might be a problem. Some noise is normal when opening and closing the garage door.

However, when you hear noises that were not happening before, it is time to look for repair options. A professional will be able to pinpoint what the issue is and find a repair solution.

5. The Garage Door is Old

If your garage door is older than 15 years it may be time to look at a replacement. The other option is to upgrade parts of the garage door.

If you do not want to replace your entire garage door you can repair any problem areas. However, after a certain point, there will be no choice but to replace the door entirely.

Call Door-Mart™ Garage Doors for Fresno, CA Garage Door Repair Today

If you are looking to repair or replace your garage door, you will need the help of a professional. And when you want a professional who will keep your best interests in mind, look no further than Door-Mart™ Garage Doors.
Contact Door-Mart Garage Doors at 1-800-829-9833 today or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment for service.


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